A news source for everything good about Glossop.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Glossop Talk 3 - Easy Riders

The Staff at GlossopTalk were up early this morning, becasue we were out watching the Bikes get ready for the "Wheels for Heros" biker rally to raise funds for the British Legion. There were some amazing hogs on show and fun was had by all.

The Rally sparks off the launch of this year's 90th celebration of The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, they were travelling from Glossop over to Matlock to raise money.  And remember if you wish to donate to this cause Click Here

Here's is some footage of some of the Royal British Legion Riders, who were out in full force and good spirits, setting off for their hour long journey. They are hoping to make this trip and annual event.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Glossop Talk 2 - George Street Blues

Hello, one and all. Another week has passed and we have some more Glossop Talk for you!!!!

 This week we have a multi-media extravaganza in the guise of a Audio piece about un-adopted Roads and unclaimed land...specifically the preservation of public access and wildlife of George Street wood. This is an interesting piece that gets right to the heart of Glossop.

We talk to the Friends of George Street wood Chairman Andy Hancock, Councillors George and Jean Wharmby and hope to gain incite in what's going on with all this un-adopted and unclaimed land.
 If you wish to help or need anymore information about Friends of George Street Woods please contact them at georgestreetwoods@hotmail.co.uk